Rewind Trauma Therapy (RT), also known simply as "Rewind Therapy" or the "Rewind Technique," is a psychological intervention used primarily for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related symptoms. It is often considered a relatively quick and effective method, with many patients experiencing relief in just a few sessions. The therapy is also known for being non-intrusive, meaning it doesn't require the person to relive or talk about the traumatic event in detail, which can be a significant advantage over other trauma-focused therapies.
Many symptoms of trauma are caused by unprocessed memories. Scientists consider that your mind was unable to digest and correctly label the event and it believes it is still a threat. RT is a technique that allows the event to be correctly passed through to your long-term memory. So it will still exist but it won't feel like it is happening again now, instead, it will feel like 'a memory'.
1. Establishing a Safe Environment:
- Before we begin, I’ll work with you to ensure you’re in a relaxed state. We might do some deep breathing exercises, visualisation techniques, or grounding exercises to help you feel safe and calm.2. Dissociation and Visualisation:
- I’ll guide you into a state where you can mentally dissociate from the traumatic event. Usually, I’ll ask you to imagine watching a movie of your life where the traumatic event is just one scene.
You’ll be encouraged to picture yourself in a safe place, watching the event as if it were happening to someone else on a screen.3. Revisiting the Trauma:
- Once you’re comfortable, I’ll guide you to "rewind" through the traumatic event in your mind. But don’t worry—you’ll do this in a way that keeps you detached from the experience.
- I might have you imagine watching the event in reverse, from the end to the beginning, or in black and white. This can help reduce the emotional intensity tied to the memory.4. Re-processing the Memory:
- This process helps your brain re-categorise the traumatic memory, moving it from a place of high emotional distress to a more neutral or manageable state.5. Completion and Integration:
- After the "rewind" process, I’ll help you return to the present moment, often reinforcing feelings of safety and relaxation.
- I’ll then encourage you to think about the traumatic event again, asking you to notice any changes in how you feel about it. Typically, people report that the memory feels less vivid, less distressing, or more distant.Rewind Treatment includes an initial consultation, 1-3 treatment sessions (as required), a follow-up at 1 month, and a final follow-up at 3 months.
normally £249, currently £199
AMC attendees,
Blue Light, including Serving and Veteran Armed Forces Personnel, can receive RT on a 'pay-what-you-can basis'.
Rewind Trauma Therapy
The Rewind Therapy (RT) has become internationally recognised as an indispensable treatment for providing closure to those with PTSD, other flashbacks and many phobias.
RT is applicable to adult and child trauma survivors pan-culturally, and usually requires no more than two sessions to bring about closure for single traumas, and significantly, the results are enduring (a follow-up of two years showed no relapses in that period of time).